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There's a war on for your mind! Michael Thomas. State of the Nation. November 2. 0, 2. Mainstream Media Maintains The Lee Harvey Oswald Narrative. Almost everything we know about the assassination of John F. Kennedy has been planted in our minds over years of mainstream media (MSM) programming. Virtually every theory advanced has been either conjured up or promoted by those who control the MSM.
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Therefore, just like all the false leads which were published during November of 1. Image: JFK (Wikimedia Commons). However, as far as the much more expansive JFK assassination coverup is concerned, many of those accused parties had either a direct or indirect hand.
No matter what the degree of participation, a conspiracy of silence is always the most deafening. And always the most successful over the long term. MO of the JFK Assassination. The most obvious hallmark of the ‘execution’ of the assassination plot is that it was a classic CIA implementation plan. Whoever it was necessary to directly involve in the conspiracy to murder JFK was inserted into this extremely compartmentalized operation, and done so on a strictly need- to- know basis. This same modus operandi applies to the coverup as well. Therefore, it can be stated with absolute certainty, that certain elements within the CIA, Secret Service, FBI and Dallas Police Department had to have had a direct hand in both the assassination plot and following coverup.
Over the course of time, there were other law enforcement agencies which were drawn into the coverup phase by necessity. All law enforcement agencies are run according to military- style pyramidal hierarchies, so it was very easy for them to control the flow of information over the many intervening decades. Lyndon B. Johnson had both the motive and the power. There is no question that Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) had both the incentive and the position of power to ensure a relatively seamless operation.
He also enjoyed the protection and influence of the southern good- ole- boy network. Both Big Oil and the Military- Industrial Complex money stood squarely behind him.
So did the entire Texas political machine. Toxic Skies Full Movie on this page. After all, isn’t that why Dallas why chosen as the site of the very public execution.
Simply put, LBJ and his many cronies had “the whole place wired” right down to Dealey Plaza and the Texas School Book Depository. It was common knowledge at the time of John Kennedy’s election that LBJ was chosen as Vice President only because of his political prowess in Congress and his ability to deliver Texas. However, what is less well known is that the level of animosity between the Kennedy and Johnson camps was as intense as it was toxic with a capital “T”. The personal animosities likewise ran so deep that many wondered how the sentiments would play out in the day- to- day outworking of the Kennedy Administration. Watch Taking Lives Online here. Quite unfortunately, the disdain that each side had for each other fed the silent participation in the JFK assassination as much as it did the subsequent coverup.
Which is exactly how this whole sordid scenario played out from beginning to end. Watch The Girl Mediafire there. It is also how many other rogue elements were co- opted or associated with the assassination, whether there was any involvement or not. JFK did have many enemies in high places, because of his plans for world peace. For instance, the list of alleged conspirators includes everyone from Cuban exiles to Russin KGB agents, from Fidel Castro to Nikita Khrushchev.
Did these accused parties have an axe to grind with JFK, or were they purposely offered up to the MSM as red herrings? Would either of them ever attempt an assassination of a sitting US president? Not very likely at all.
However, just like these examples, there are many others who have been proposed as co- conspirators because of having been on the wrong side of the fence with the Kennedy brothers, both John and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. When you examine the list below of the “disaffected” you quickly grasp how easy it would be for LBJ et al. CIA — JFK fired Director Allen Dulles• FBI — JFK was spied on by J. Edgar Hoover• Chicago Mafia — JFK had a run in with Sam Giancana; RFK took on organized crime• Roman Catholic Church — JFK refused to follow their ‘orders’• Israel – JFK rebuffed David Ben Gurion’s request for nuclear weapons• Federal Reserve — JFK issued an executive order which re- established the Treasury’s power to print money• Military- Indusrtial Complex — JFK was intent on winding down the Viet Nam War• Republican Party — They believed that JFK’s father stole the 1. Secret Societies — JFK revealed their existence in a high profile speech. This list goes on, but what we have here is a group of extremely formidable foes of the Kennedy clan.
Not only are ALL of them natural friends in the political world; in JFK they saw a common enemy. His policies were quite contrary to their shared desire and notion of the perpetual war economy. Consequently, there was but one solution. Cui bono? Not only did all the aforementioned parties gain by the coup d’etat which abruptly removed Kennedy from power, so did many other silent powerbrokers and influence peddlers, financiers and bankers, industrialists and corporate magnates. All told, the political/economic bloc of players who would rather see JFK gone was so large and extensive that the conspiracy of silence really needed no enforcement. Who, after all, would want to leave the reservation knowing that they would never get back on it. That is, if they even lived to tell their story.
When the global power structure is so heavily weighted toward an outcome, there is no stopping it. Such was the case with JFK’s unseemly dismissal. Those in power at the time, who were sympathetic to the war economy cause, were enlisted to what ever degree appropriate depending on their official positions. In the case of LBJ, he controlled all the right assets to ensure an efficient and wrinkle- free coup d’etat. His contacts throughout Congress, the state of Texas, industry and commerce, as well as law enforcement guaranteed that he would get off scot- free.
And so it appears that he did, until Nixon aide Roger Stone appeared on the scene. Nixon aide Roger Stone’s claim: LBJ arranged the murder of JFKThere is perhaps no more damning and believable evidence of a personal LBJ motive than Stone’s quotes from the mouth of Richard Nixon.