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RALLY, 9: 1. 5AMHEARING, 1. AM1. 1/7- 1. 1/2. HEARINGS, 9. AMGeorgia Public Service Commission. Washington St. Atlanta 3. ATLANTA 1. 1/6/1. Public interest groups and private citizens will converge on the Georgia Public Service Commission this week to confront Georgia Power about its Vogtle 3 & 4 construction fiasco at the 1.

'Watch Nights,' A New Year's Celebration Of Emancipation On Dec. 31, 1862, African-Americans and abolitionists waited for word — via telegraph, newspaper or word of. Watch movies online for free movie download at - Download Free Movies, Stream, Trailers and Cinema Films.

Semi- Annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring Review (VCMR). These reviews have occurred roughly every six months since construction commenced on Vogtle 3 & 4 reactors in Burke County in 2. Commissioners have officially asked the question whether to cancel the troubled project which is at least five years behind schedule and has doubled in price to $2. The only other reactors under construction in the U. S. were cancelled by South Carolina utilities on July 3.

Westinghouse in March. Nuclear Watch South, Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace and ARRP (Aging Raging Rate Payers) are holding a rally and encouraging members of the public to speak on the record in the public witness portion of the hearings. Public witness testimony will be accepted at the beginning of each morning and each afternoon session. The PSC has scheduled four days of hearings instead of the usual one day to accommodate a dozen Georgia Power witnesses and a growing roster of intervening parties. The hearing on Monday will commence at 1. AM and subsequent days will convene at 9.

AM."Know When to Hold 'em, Know When to Fold 'em"You. Tube Video highlights local action to Stop Vogtle©2. GEORGIA GRASSROOTS VIDEO JUDY CONDERATLANTA July 1. Last week the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) held one of its four hearings per year on Vogtle 3 & 4. It is only the second public hearing since the Vogtle construction consortium got sidelined in bankruptcy court in December 2.

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The next public hearing will be sometime this winter. Georgia Power continues to pour $5. The public came out in force to speak out on the future of Vogtle which is up for grabs since the power is not needed in a sluggish market and other forms of energy, namely solar and wind, have become cheaper, and as ever, more abundant than nuclear power. The PSC failed to live up to the "public" in its moniker, as two of the commissioners (Mc. Donald and Wise) didn't even bother to show up, and the acting chair Commissioner Tim Echols bulldozed a major public right to present expert testimony by issuing a last- minute "order" upholding Georgia Power's bully move to block Nuclear Watch South.

A PBS archived documentary on an abortion clinic in Chester, Pennsylvania, along with an investigation on the women who went there and why. April 18, 1983). · The use of leverage for real estate investment trust (REIT) businesses makes the returns from this industry susceptible to interest rate movements. Watch Online Watch The Hole Full Movie Online Film there.

Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace and ARRP (Aging Raging Rate Payers) joined more than a dozen public witnesses who gave strong testimony to decertify, PSC- speak for "cancel," the Vogtle construction project and stop collecting the corporate welfare tax that is being taken not only from ordinary citizens, but from Georgia's schools, churches, towns and hospitals. Many thanks to Georgia Grassroots Video for this informative documentary of a woke public working the rusty machinery of so- called democracy. Nuclear Watch South files to force the PSC to deal with request for emergency hearing. ATLANTA 6/2. 2/1. Georgia environmental group Nuclear Watch South filed a Mandamus Motion to Compel Response to Request for Emergency Public Hearing on Vogtle 3 & 4 with the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) yesterday evening, June 2. The State Attorney General Chris Carr was also served the motion. In its motion Nuclear Watch South asserts that the PSC is out of compliance with regulations requiring the Commission to make a timely and definite response to a legitimate public request.

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Red River Farm Network News. ASA Responds to FDA Health Claim — The American Soybean Association responded to a proposed Food and Drug Administration (FDA) health. The law-abiding owner of a crime scene cleaning service is forced into business with a powerful mob boss thanks to his irresponsible older brother. Watch trailers.

The regulation is very specific, and the PSC should have placed Nuclear Watch South’s original Request for Emergency Public Hearing on the agenda of its regularly scheduled May 9, 2. Nuclear Watch South files direct testimony in 1. Vogtle Semiannual Review. ATLANTA 6/8/1. 7: Nuclear Watch South filed the expert witness testimony of Glenn Carroll this afternoon with the Georgia Public Service Commission in the 1. Semi- Annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring Review. Ms. Carroll’s testimony drives home the point that Vogtle 3 & 4 power are not needed and Georgia law authorizes the Public Service Commission to decertify unneeded power supply. Updated charts of Georgia Power performance data 2.

Southern Environmental Law Center which also concludes that Vogtle 3 & 4 are not needed. Coalition of Citizen Groups Rally to Give PSC Message: "Not One More Cent for Vogtle!"PHOTOS © 2. Betsy Rivard. ATLANTA 5/1. Nuclear Watch South hosted a press conference with Georgia WAND (Women’s Action for New Directions), Atlanta Grandmothers for Peace, ARRP - Aging Raging Rate Payers and Concerned Ratepayers of Georgia prior to the Georgia Public Service Commission's (PSC) first public hearing since high- profile bankruptcies beset the Vogtle construction consortium. The hearing was part of the 1.

Semi- Annual Vogtle Construction Monitoring Review process. The next scheduled public hearing on Vogtle will be on June 2. PSC construction monitors will testify for the PSC staff and Nuclear Watch South will also present expert testimony calling for the shutdown of Vogtle 3 & 4. NOT ONE MORE CENT FOR VOGTLENuclear Watch South files request for emergency public hearing with Public Service Commission on Tax Day©2.

GEORGIA GRASSROOTS VIDEO JUDY CONDERATLANTA 4/1. Yesterday Nuclear Watch South filed a Request for Emergency Public Hearing on Vogtle 3 & 4, demanding that the PSC set a schedule and require Georgia Power to submit information that has previously been withheld from the public such as the construction schedule, the cost to cancel and the cost to complete the beleaguered reactor project. E- mail or call the Georgia Public Service Commissioners and ask them to hold an emergency public hearing before Georgia Power blows any more of OUR MONEY on its risky high- stakes nuclear bet! TAX DAY PROTESTTell the PSC: NOT ONE MORE CENT FOR VOGTLEJoin the press conference! AM, Tuesday, April 1.

Washington Street SW, Atlanta. Westinghouse Implodes, Vogtle Cancellation Likely? Timeline of a Boondoggle: Vogtle 3 & 4. ATLANTA: In the wake of Vogtle lead contractor Westinghouse's bankruptcy announcement yesterday, coupled with Toshiba's revelation that it is $9. U. S. (two in Georgia, two in South Carolina), Atlanta- based environmental group Nuclear Watch South is issuing a detailed timeline of Vogtle 3 & 4 milestones and missteps. Nuclear Watch South Coordinator Glenn Carroll articulated the group's position in a brief statement: "Georgia's legislators and Public Service Commissioners enabled Georgia Power to obtain $2 billion in up- front charges from its customers which has increased Georgia Power's profit margin by over 2. Vogtle construction years."Georgia premiere screening of CONTAINMENTNuclear Watch South observes 6th anniversary of Fukushima catastrophe 3/1.

ATLANTA 3/1. 1/1. How can we contain some of the deadliest, most long- lasting substances ever produced? Toxic remnants from the Cold War remain in millions of gallons of highly radioactive sludge, thousands of acres of radioactive land, tens of thousands of unused hot buildings, and  some slowly spreading deltas of contaminated groundwater. Governments around the world, desperate to protect future generations, have begun imagining society 1. CONTAINMENT moves from a nuclear weapon facility in South Carolina where toxic swamps have led to radioactive animals, to a deep underground burial site in New Mexico, to Fukushima, Japan, where a triple meltdown occurred after the cooling systems at the Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant were interrupted, leaving that city a ghost town. The film is part graphic novel and part observational essay mixed with sci- fi that is more science than fiction, weaving between an uneasy present and an imaginative, troubled distant future, exploring the struggle to keep waste confined over millennia. FREE SCREENINGSaturday, March 1.