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Fifteen Dreams for the Future of Christian Hedonism. The original title I was assigned, “Gulping at the River of God’s Delights” was based on a combination of a text from the Bible and a text from Jonathan Edwards. The biblical text is Psalm 3.
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How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. They feast on the abundance of your house,and you give them drink from the river of your delights. And the text from Edwards comes from a sermon in 1. Song of Solomon 5: 1, which says,I came to my garden, my sister, my bride,I gathered my myrrh with my spice,I ate my honeycomb with my honey,I drank my wine with my milk. Eat, friends, drink,and be drunk with love! Edwards states the doctrine like this: “Persons need not and ought not to set any bounds to their spiritual and gracious appetites.”Hence the title of the Seminar, Indulge. Watch Misconduct Tube Free on this page.
And the original title for this message: “Gulping at the River of God’s Delights.” Edwards expands on the doctrine: There is no such thing as any Inordinateness in holy affections. There is no such thing as excess in Longings after — the discoveries of the beauty of Christ Jesus or Greater degrees of holiness or the Enjoyment of Communion with God. Men may be as Covetous as they Please (if I may so speak) after spiritual Riches.
As Eager as they Please to heap up treasure in heaven. As ambitious as they Please of spiritual and Eternal honor and Glory.
And as voluptuous as they Please with Respect to spiritual Pleasure. The Heart of Christian Hedonism.
This is the heart of Christian Hedonism. Not just the permission, but the duty — the obligation — to pursue the maximum enjoyment of God. Persons need not and ought not to set any bounds to their spiritual and gracious appetites.”So the definition of Christian Hedonism I would propose is this: Since God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him, therefore, in everything we do, we should always be pursuing maximum satisfaction in God and striving to take as many people with us into that satisfaction as we can, even if it costs us our lives. I know that there are other definitions of the word hedonism and its historic uses, like the philosophy that says we determine what is right by what gives us pleasure.
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But that is not what we mean. And it is not what the term must historically mean. My old Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary of 1. And the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition has as its first definition: “pursuit of or devotion to pleasure.” And www. That is precisely what I mean by the term. And I insist upon the radical position that the only pleasures that oblige us to seek them — the only one morally obligated by God — are ones that you cannot feel unless you are born again — spiritual pleasures made possible by the creation of a new heart. It seems to me that anyone who agrees with the Westminster Catechism that “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy God forever,” would have to agree that this enjoyment of God can be nothing less than an ultimate duty.
That is, we are duty- bound to pursue maximum pleasure in God. Christian Hedonism says that this is not optional.
Dedicated to the life and legacy of Howard G. Hendricks, known around the world as "Prof" by his many students.
It is at the heart of what it means to be a Christian — to be saved. Christian Hedonism goes so far as to say that if you don’t pursue your maximum pleasure in God, you can neither worship God nor love people. In other words, essential to God- glorifying worship is the experience of God as your greatest treasure and most- satisfying pleasure. And essential to truly loving people is the passion to expand your joy by including them with you in it.
So we are not talking about something marginal when we talk about Christian Hedonism. We are talking about the very heart of being a Christian.
And it is very radical, and very threatening to nominal Christians, because it says: We must experience a miracle from God before we can taste the pleasures that we are required to enjoy. If you don’t have God- given spiritual taste for spiritual pleasures, you won’t feast on them, and you won’t be a Christian. Regenerated to Joy in God. There are two reasons why no one can be a Christian Hedonist without a supernatural intervention of liberation and regeneration. The reasons are Satan and sin. Satan is real, and really blinds us to the beauty of Christ that we were created to enjoy.
Even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. Corinthians 4: 3–4)Christian Hedonism says that the glory of Christ, revealed in the gospel, is beautiful and desirable above all things. I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ” (Philippians 3: 8). But Satan blinds the eyes of our heart (Ephesians 1: 1. And until we see it, we will not delight in it.
You cannot savor what you don’t see. And Satan’s main aim is to keep you from seeing that the glory of Christ is more to be desired than a thousand worlds. And he is supernatural. Next in power only to God. We do not have any chance to defeat him on our own. Only God can do it.
There would be no Christian Hedonists without a supernatural intervention because of the blinding effects of our own sinfulness. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. Corinthians 2: 1. What we are by nature is so opposed to the reality and the preciousness of “the things of the Spirit of God” that they appear foolish, insipid, unreal, unattractive, boring, tasteless — or worse — disgusting.
And so we do not and cannot see them and savor them for what they are. The picture is even worse in Romans 8: 7–8. The mind of the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God’s law; indeed, it cannot.
Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. Romans 8: 7–8) The point here is not just that we can’t taste the reality of God as sweet, but that we are deeply hostile to God. We do not like him. He is our enemy. His authority is offense to us. And therefore he is anything but satisfying!
So because of the massive realities of Satan and sin, there is no hope of seeing God as supremely desirable and savoring him above all things. Heaven and Hell in the Balance.
We are not playing language games. We are not dealing with marginal matters. We are dealing with life and death, heaven and hell, the very heart of Christian living when we talk about Christian Hedonism. The new birth is the creation of new spiritual appetites for God and his word and his ways.
New capacities to see the beauty of Christ as more desirable than anything, and new capacities to enjoy that beauty and be satisfied by it. Immediately after saying that we are born again by the living and abiding word of God in 1 Peter 1: 2. Peter says, “Like newborn infants, desire the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation — if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter 2: 2–3).
That is what happens in the new birth: You have tasted that the Lord is good. More to be desired than all the world can offer. The new birth is the creation of a Christian Hedonist. Therefore, only those who are born again and have new spiritual appetites for God can fulfil the obligation to pursue maximum pleasure in God in all that we do.
Duty- Bound to Delight. But is this duty to indulge our spiritual appetites really biblical? Are we duty bound as Christians to seek to maximize our joy in God?
Yes. And here are eight reasons from the Bible. We are commanded to pursue satisfaction.
Serve the Lord with gladness! Psalm 1. 00: 2)Rejoice in the Lord always. Philippians 4: 4)Delight yourself in the Lord. Psalm 3. 7: 4) 2.