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Always On Watch: Semper Vigilans(For politics, please scroll down). Mr. AOW and I will miss our beloved Mysti, whose mother disappeared when the litter was one day old. All the kittens in the litter were found by an animal rescue group and had to be bottle fed. But Mysti's rough start didn't end there.  A few days after she arrived here as a young kitten in September 1.

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Several veterinarians didn't expect her to live past the age of ten.  Mysti had other plans and fooled us all! Until aging interfered, Mysti, a dilute tortie, was our mighty huntress. She was probably proudest of one particular accomplishment: catching and killing a juvenile black rat snake in our basement back in November 2. Of course, she brought her catch upstairs to display what she had snagged. Mysti had been coping with chronic renal failure for over two years and, although frail, was holding her own until the last few days, when she started refusing food.  She even refused tuna!  It wasn't the kidney disease that sealed Mysti's fate, however — it was oral cancer, the same affliction that stole our beloved Cameo from us on Easter Sunday 2.

Mr. AOW and I consulted the veterinarian today and decided to do the kind thing — the last thing that we could do for Mysti. Two photos from 1. Mysti was a kitten, below the fold.